Pre Application

24 Hours Pre Airbrush Tan

Shave all unwanted hair

Exfoliate skin using a mild, non-abrasive exfoliant

8 Hours Pre Airbrush Tan


Do not apply oils, or moisturizers as this can create a barrier on your skin

Wear loose fitting dark clothing to appointment

Post Application

6-8 Hours Post Airbrush Tan

Avoid any activity that would cause sweating such as exercising, cleaning or showering due to the airbrush tan developing during these hours. Contact with water or sweat could result in an uneven tan

If you wish to seep in airbrush tan to allow it to develop darker throughout the night please cover bed/pillow cases with dark sheets to ensure no staining

8-10 Hours Post Airbrush Tan

Shower using a mild and gentle moisturizing cleanser

When drying skin remember to pat skin instead of rubbing skin

Longevity of Airbrush Tan

The life of your airbrush tan will depend on how well you take care of your skin. Moisturizing your skin twice daily will result in a longer lasting tan. The use of exfoliants, face masks, face washes, can cause your tan to fade prematurely. Avoid any long sessions in the water or excessive exercising to help the longevity of your tan.

More Questions?

Give us a call we would be happy to answer all of your questions! Also check out our Instagram page for pictures of airbrush tanning and more!
